Saturday, February 27, 2010

7D Finale

late SHINENKAI - Monterey Kyoto from Jason McDonald on Vimeo.

This was taken with the 7D, the last time I would use it before shipping it off to the U.K. I've also shipped off the wonderful lenses I bought with the 7D AND all my Nikon gear. What does this mean? It means I've spent that extra little money to get the Canon 1DM4. I will be adding new video and photos. It's a bit sad that I let go of both the 7D and D700. The 7D was my first Canon, but what a first. It was capable of so much and the lenses were extremely affordable. The Nikon D700 had a full-frame sensor and was good with high ISO levels. To get the best of both worlds, I sold all I had and got the new 1DM4 and I'm loving it for both photography and video. The above video was the last time I would use the Canon 7D. Enjoy! Next round is on the 1DM4.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Inspirational Videos - Not mine, but I wish it was

let yourself feel. from Esteban Diácono on Vimeo.

This is a video that apparently uses Trapcode Particular to create the effects seen. A wonderful use of the AE plug-in.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Compositing - 3D

Compositing Breakdown (T&S) from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

I Feel Pretty - By Chigusa

I Feel Pretty - Chigusa from Jason McDonald on Vimeo.

A Westside Story classic performed by Chigusa at Tom's Warehouse in Shinsaibashi. A wonderful voice, performance and all around act. The only trouble was with getting her voice recorded properly on the Zoom H4n and Rode Stereo Video mic. Hopefully next time I will have some new gear equipped to handle such a voice.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rode Stereo Video mic on 7D

Nella Fantasia from Jason McDonald on Vimeo.

The Rode Stereo video mic was fit into the hot shoe of the 7D which was standing about 2.5 meters away from the talent. Even though the mic is great, the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) makes the captured audio not so hot. The fact that the mic is being used in a setting where it really shouldn't (Not the right mic for this type of audio recording) was something I knew going into it. I just wondered if the audio was any better WITH than WITHOUT. Under these circumstances I don't think it matters. Crap is crap.

Below is the same clip with some editing done to the audio (And a different color correction applied). I hope to get my Zoom H4n to another session on the weekend.

Nella Fantansia (Slight Audio Correction) from Jason McDonald on Vimeo.

Osaka Aquarium 大阪海遊館

Osaka Aquarium 大阪 海遊館 from Jason McDonald on Vimeo.

A day at the aquarium in Osaka. I had actually left the house with a half charged battery in my 7D. I didn't realize until I got to the aquarium. Realizing that I had to be careful about setting up my shots and not taking too much 'what if' style shots where I wasn't certain what the outcome would be, I was set to go through the aquarium taking video at both 1080 24p and 720p 60i (Converted to 24p). I was shooting through 30 centimeter acrylic glass most of the time. A lot of the glass was dirty as well. I was also forced to go with a higher ISO than I usually like to use on the 7D. Color correcting this was a pain and it shows that I sort of gave up mid way. I do plan on visiting the aquarium again, with a full battery (Or 3) and take more time setting up the shots.

Shinsekai in Slow Motion

Slow-Mo Shinsekai from Jason McDonald on Vimeo.

Using some time off during the holidays I decided to go to the zoo. Unfortunately, the zoo was closed. I decided to head into Shinsekai and take video at 720p 60i with the intention of converting the footage to 24 frames a second to give it that nice slow-motion effect. It also gave me the chance to use the cheap Neutral Density fader filter so that I could leave the lens wide open and not worry about the image being blown out/over-exposed. I didn't have much to work with because the cold was getting to me. I will work harder to get better shots next time around.