Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Hobbit Trailer Debut: Will 48 fps be the way to go?

So we get a glimpse into the world of The Hobbit. From the trailer, it looks like it will be quite an adventure...although judging by a trailer is like judging a book by it's cover really. What I am most looking forward to, as a tech geek, is how well the 48 frames per second will look instead of the usual 24 frames. Peter Jackson had this to say about it a while back:

"We are indeed shooting at the higher frame rate. The key thing to understand is that this process requires both shooting and projecting at 48 frames/s, rather than the usual 24 frames/s (The great majority of films have been shot at 24 frames per second since the late 1920s). So the result looks like normal speed, but the image has hugely enhanced clarity and smoothness. Looking at 24 frames every second may seem ok–and we've all seen thousands of films like this over the last 90 years–but there is often quite a lot of blur in each frame, during fast movements and if the camera is moving around quickly, the image can judder or "strobe." Shooting and projecting at 48 frames/s does a lot to get rid of these issues. It looks much more lifelike and it is much easier to watch, especially in 3-D."

While I'm not a big fan of 3D (Avatar being the only movie I could really enjoy in 3D) it will be interesting to see how people take to it. I'm not sure about theaters in Canada/U.S/U.K work as far as 3D movies and glasses go, but here in Japan you buy a pair (Clean, never been used), it's add to your first 3D movie experience at $2.00 a pair. Then you bring them home with you. So long as you remember to bring your glasses the next time you watch a movie in 3D, they cut the cost by $2.00. If you forget your glasses, you pay the extra money and now you've got 2 pairs.

So, will 48 frames a second be the next step in film. Unfortunately, I can't say. Outside of those making the film I don't think anyone can say. It was only a year ago that people wanted 24p for their Canon 5D mark ii. One has to wonder if the next thing we'll be demanding is 48p? What do you think?

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