Tuesday, September 14, 2010

HDR video - It's here, it's neat

HDR Video Demonstration Using Two Canon 5D mark II's from Soviet Montage on Vimeo.

....but I see a lot of people already complaining. I haven't seen a video in HDR, this would be the first. Perhaps I'm in the dark a bit on this. However, when HDR photography was introduced to the masses it was quickly used on EVERYTHING as a means of turning a dull photo into a not-so-dull photo...but a still in the 'dull' category. HDR has it's place in the world of photography. I'm not sure where HDR will play a huge roll in video/cinematography, but for now it looks very neat. You need 2 DSLR bodies recording the video, one under-exposed and the other over-exposed while capturing. It will be interesting to see what will become of this.

Then, there's the move I made from one end of the Kansai area to another. A couple photos of the beautiful new view I have from my apartment and the first visitor we had. How he got to the 10th floor is beyond me.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Also, I'd like to congratulate Nikki and Nozomi on their wedding. I wasn't their as the photographer so you'll have to put up with some odd angled, slightly noisy photos. All the best to you 2.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

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