Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another Kickstart Campaign makes it...and offers a lot in return.

I talked a bit about the Kickstarter success that some have had. This time around it goes to the people at Realm Pictures with their project The Underwater Realm.

I think what helped them bring in their backers was the offerings to be had: Leading up to the January 1st 2012 deadline, Eve Hazelton (The DOP on the project) managed to put together some very interesting (And free) lighting tutorials originally made for Phillip Bloom's blog. This showed her (And the studio's) keen skills on lighting a scene. So, as a backer when you pledge $50.00 or more you get some REALLY COOL rewards:

The @EveHazelton Lighting Guide! An hour long tutorial with practical examples of how to light for film and video. This will cover everything from the theory of light through to equipment demonstrations & how to plan and execute lighting setups for dramatic scenes! Available as a digital download or DVD

Ocean Fan Pack - Blu Ray (or DVD) of the final films with your name in the credits as a supporter! This compilation will include all the concept artwork, production blogs and the behind the scenes documentary. Find out in-depth exactly how the project you helped create was made and watch it all in HD on the sofa (couch)! We will also send you completely exclusive behind the scenes still photos and messages from the cast and crew during production that nobody else will see!

LED Lighting Pack - good quality soft light is hard to achieve cheaply, and almost impossible to achieve on location. We have developed a set of rugged, low power, high output, fully submersible, cinema quality, battery powered lights and are giving you the plans to build and develop this system for yourself!

All of these for $50.00...not too shabby!! It certainly beats some of what people are offering as rewards! I would suggest future Kickstarter people to take note here and learn. While there are certainly plenty of free resources online that you can learn from, for a few of your hard earned dollars you get some pretty amazing tutorials and setups, not to mention supporting a great project. If you're not already a backer, I'd suggest you take a look at their Kickstarter Page to see what they are up to. As I write this they are in their last hours, but already they've made a great impact on the indie community. I can't wait to see the final results!

Check out Eve's lovely tutorials and be sure to check out The Underwater Realm.

1 comment:

  1. Now they are starting to look rather crude and garish in comparison to the subtleties of led lights dimmable and are gradually being ousted as forward thinking businesses are changing over.
